There is no option for driving if there are winter conditions, meaning you have either freezing temperatures or then you have snow, ice or slush, then you will need winter tires. It is enough with just having temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit for you to change from all-season tires and use tires that are winter approved if you want higher performance.
All-season tires are great for the warm seasons, but not for winters. This is in the same way that winter tires are great for winters, but not for summers. You have tires that are basically a hybrid between all-season and winter tires have an optimized rubber compound and can be used all-year round and they will behave as all-season tires when you have warm temperatures on wet and dry tarmac and will behave as winter tires when you face snow, ice or slush.
This gives you all-year round safety and performance without having to change tires before the winter weather arrives. This gives you more convenience and is perfect for areas that have very varying weather conditions, as the tires are reliable whatever weather conditions, this is if they are approved for winter use. The winter approval can be seen on the sidewall of the tires and it isn’t enough to have the M+S marking, you need the severe service emblem that is a sign that depicts a mountaintop with a snowflake inside.
For more information regarding winter tires, visit: